Thursday, July 23, 2009


image You’re invited! 
Beginning August 5, I will start hosting Crock Pot Wednesdays each week, and I hope you will join me in the fun. 
My Crock Pot (AKA slow cooker – Crock Pot is actually a trade name belonging to Rival) -  gets used lots, especially during the school year since I work as a seventh grade teacher (I know…examine the brain!) and while I enjoy cooking, I also enjoy other activities as well and don’t want to necessarily spend all of my time in the kitchen. I have friends who use theirs almost exclusively during the summer in order to save turning on the oven and heating up their kitchens.  (There’s a good reason why early Southern kitchens were rarely located IN the house.)
So, I thought that it might be fun for us to share our favorites, our tried and trues, our exotics, or even our experimentals that are prepared in the crock pot.  If you have a picture, post it; if not, post anyway.  Let us know the pros and cons of what you prepared and suggest any changes that you would do or did.  If possible, let us know where you got the recipe…certainly give yourself credit for your originals. Or, maybe you have a story to share about a Crock Pot experience:)  Maybe you have a hint having anything to do with the crock pot – easy cleaning – easy storing, etc.  Whatever! 
I know some cooks have an aversion to crock pots, but still do “slow cooking.”  If that fits you, please feel free to join in anyway and tell us how you do it.  This event is intended to be laid back, easy and enjoyable.  Most of all, I hope it works for you.  I welcome your suggestions as we go along.
image Come back on Friday, August 7  for the announcement of the three prize winners who will be randomly selected.  Your name will go in the “pot” each time you complete one of the following entries (more entries, more chances to win).
 All entries must be submitted by 9 p.m. Wednesday, August 5.
  1. Sign up to participate in Crock Pot Wednesday  and link back to me from your blog post.  This is worth two entries:)
  2. Become a follower of Dining With Debbie and leave me a comment here that you have done so.
  3. Sign up to become a follower on Twitter  @diningwithdeb and leave me an additional comment here letting me know your Twitter name so I can follow you as well.  If you are already a follower, comment about that as well.
  4. Tweet about Crock Pot Wednesday and leave a comment here with the link of your tweet.
  5. Post about Crock Pot Wednesday on Facebook and leave me a comment that you have done so.
  6. Refer another blogging buddy to this event and leave me a comment with the URL of your buddy’s blog. 
  7. Post my Crock Pot Wednesdays button on your blog and let me know that you have done so.
Important:  Please make sure that I can access your email either through a visible email on your blog or in your comments.  Winners will be notified by 5 p.m. on Friday, August  7.
You probably already know how this works but just as a reminder, please follow these simple guidelines:
  • Include your post showing us your Crock Pot Wednesday recipe, ideas or suggestions.
  • Link up below on Mister Linky to the permalink of your post.  In order to find out what yours is, click on the title of your post and grab the permalink from the address bar.
  • In parentheses following your name, give a word or two of the subject matter of your post.  For example:  darnold23 (pinto beans).  Be sure to leave spaces just as I have shown.
  • Link your post back to Dining With Debbie as a courtesy to me so that everyone will know where to find more Crock Pot ideas and recipes.
  • Pass the word out to your blogging buddies and let them know that I would love for them to join in the fun.
Thanks for joining in the fun.  Come back this week to see what prizes are in store for you.  You’re gonna’ love ‘em.
It’s Foodie Friday hosted by Designs by Gollum and Friday Feasts hosted by Momtrends  I'll also be posting for the first time on Simple Summer Saturday. Hurry on over to see what goodies await you today.  Don’t forget to come back here afterwards and sign up for Crock Pot Wednesdays.


  1. Hi, Debbie!

    Thanks for the invitation. Hope you'll drop by my blog and enter my giveaway, too!

    Happy FF!


    Sheila :-)

  2. I am very excited about this, just not sure I am techy enough to figure this all out, but I do have a few recipes to share.... so wish me luck and thanks for the invite..

  3. I've already got your "button" on my blog, and I've already made, phtographed, and eaten my first crock-pot meal! I can't wait!


    Robin :o)

  4. What a great idea. Wednesdays are usually my crockpot day too!! I am already a subscriber to your post so it is perfect :)

  5. I just added your button to my blog too:

  6. Thanks for the invite. I can't wait to check out all the crockpot recipes. I love using mine but I could really find more things to cook in it. Can't wait.

  7. Can you believe I don't own a crockpot! I hope you'll still like me and swing by my recipe exchange too. I shared a yummy baked flounder recipe and love collecting other inspired ideas:

  8. I plan on getting a crock pot and getting a bunch of recipes from everyone.

  9. Hi Debbie!
    Well I joined your blog, I'm following you on both Twitter and Facebook and left an announcement on both about crock pot Wednesdays . This is fun! Love your site!

  10. Oh, and I also put your button on my blog. Now all I have to do is find my crock pot!!!

  11. Sounds like fun - I love finding new recipes for my crockpot!

  12. Debbie, Looking forward to Crock Pot Wednesday, I use mine a lot especially in the winter and the weeks Roy is home because we are usually so busy.

    I am a follower and hope to win a prize.

    Come see me.


  13. I don't crockpot, but I will be back to look at the recipes, maybe I should start!

  14. I have so few good crockpot recipes - I'll be checking back here to see what I can glean from your Crockpot Wednesdays!

  15. TYSM for the invite Debbie. Are you a follower of mine? We do not do much crock pot cooking for the 2 of us, but I shall dig thru & see what I have. I'll follow you ...

    TY for your popping by. You will be VERY pleased with the 'fabric soak' ... it is 99% effective on stains & dirties, but sometimes may take more than just one soak, usually NOT tho. I've been using & selling this for years. LMK how you feel about it after using it.

    Have a beautiful weekend. TTFN ~Marydon

  16. I purchased a crock pot this year and have made about 3 recipes and none of them wow me except a Mexican recipe that I will share. I can't wait to read to other shared recipes. The berry tart from Cusine At Home looks amazing but like you I would wait to share this one or else I would probably eat the entire tart myself:)

  17. Hello! Thank you so much for your comment on my chocolate cake recipe! I'm looking forward to your meme and good luck!

  18. Thanks for leaving the link to your new slow cooking meme. I only have a couple of things I like that I've tried in my slow cooker and sure will appreciate new things to try! I work full time at a high school (secretary), always looking for ideas to make those week night dinners easier.

    By the way, I have a son going into 7th grade this year. May I just say bless you for dealing with a class full of middle school students every single day!

    I will be back to link up soon and I signed up to follow you :-)

  19. I linked up to my simple suppers post from last week. I did go add a link back to your blog :-)

  20. Thanks for the invitation. I love my Crock Pot, it is a Rival. I also love to slow cook in my Dutch Oven, when camping.

    Thanks for hosting this new venue.


  21. Thnx for the invite Debbie, I usually use my slow cooker on Tue and Thursday right now so I could post with pictures my tues attempts.

    I followed you both here and on twitter @j2tyco I will post on my facebook and tweet about it tomorrow


  22. Thanks so much for letting me know about this. I have a crock pot, but seldom use it because I don't have enough recipes . I may not be able to contribute, but I sure will be back to check it out.

  23. Thanks for the invitation...Sounds like a whole lot of fun to me! I'll have to dig my old crock pot out and look for my recipes. I'm excited about this new cool! Mumzie :)

  24. How exciting! I don't think I can ontribute cause I don't know any crock pot recipe but I sure would like to get some so I will definitely visit and get some ideas.....Christine

  25. Thanks for the invitation! I'll try to remember to come back on Wednesday and link up. :)

  26. Thanks for the invitation to join Crock-Pot Wednesdays. Hope I can figure out how to do it!! HAHA
    I love your blog...I am a follower now and I can't wait to learn some new crock pot recipes!

  27. Thanks for the invitation! I'll be happy to join in. I love my crock pot, especially during the school year when things are so hectic! I'm looking forward to this!

  28. I'm now a follower of Dining With Debbie and I'm following you on Twitter. My Twitter name is @sahm2g1b.

  29. I just became a follower on your blog.

  30. I've added my post. I just became a follower on your blog and on twitter (although it said there was no user @diningwithdeb so I started following your other account). My user name on Twitter is lucymariec.

    I also twittered about crock pot wednesdays.

  31. I finally got my post up! I also remembered to tweet about CPW and I used your CPW button! I'm so excited! I love my crock pots and I'm looking forward to lots of great recipes! I'm also going to leave a post on FB to let all my friends know!

  32. Hi! The chocolate cake sounds yummy!

    I think I have 4 crockpots!

  33. This sounds like fun. I've grabbed your button for my sidebar. I don't use my slow cooker as often since I've retired but I still take advantage of it on busy days.

  34. Good Day!!! is one of the most outstanding informational websites of its kind. I enjoy reading it every day. Keep it that way.


Thanks for joining me at Dining With Debbie. I really appreciate you. Please post under a username because I do not publish anonymous posts. Come again soon.