Saturday, July 18, 2009


From the first moment that I met you, I loved you. 

Nino or Nina[1]

You stole my heart with your sweet face110_1044

and the way you always wanted to cuddle – even now.oo hoo loves connor

Connor Aug 3

You and Flashie are such good friends, but your best friend is Baby.  I’ll tell you a story about Baby one day.

baby and connor

10-15 Sleep in the pumpkin patch

You’re always ready for an adventure – a leaf hunt or a pumpkin patch.


You love the water and the beach especially those early morning crawling-in-bed times with OoHoo.  Or maybe a walk with me at dawn just to get sand between our toes.


Your favorite question is , “Why?” and you don’t give up until you get an answer.


connor window



You love me and  OoHoo and think we are pretty good playmates.  I hope you always do.

2007 misc 292

Your curls fascinate everyone who meets you; DSC_0030 I will be sad when you decide you are too old for them.connor

DSC_0452      You climb trees because they are there

gulley park 9 2007 butterfly

and watch tadpoles in the creek.

2009 misc to be filed 1891

You wear goofy hats and Diego sunglasses and,

birthday tom and connor 2 if he’s nice, you’ll share your trucks with Dad.


You think everybody should be a winner in soccer, but you don’t much care about sharing your Thomas trains.



You decided that Santa was an “okay” guy this year, and you learned that you were born to  ski.










Kate 155

You fuss with your little sister, but you miss her when she’s not around.


DSC_0372And you think your momma is the smartest momma there is, butscan0007  you absolutely know she’s the bestest!

connor doorBut, of course, you are the bestest too.

And as I always tell you, I love you higher than the sky, deeper than the sea, and more than there are grains of sand on the shore.  I always will.



  1. This post is just precious. Whatta cutie! and the curls are just a heart stealer... I can tell those two are very special in your life. I think they are truly blessed to have you also.

  2. HOW SWEET!!! He is just a DOLL!!! Happy Birthday to your precious little man!!


    Robin :o)

  3. brings tears to my eyes! This post really made my day! Happy birthday to your darling angel :)

  4. What a beautiful child. I hope your little guy had a wonderful birthday. Blessings...Mary

  5. Dear Debbie,

    this is so beautiful post and this little angel must be happy to have you, you have so many blessed energy.

    I wish you lot of joy with your beautiful family.

  6. Oh my gosh.. he is one adorable little man. Our grandson Bailey is with us for the w/k. He's 9 and like yours we have that special closeness and have from the time he was born.. I'll try to remember about Crock Pot Wednesay.. I'll take the button and add it to my blog...there is always alot going on around here, sometimes not so good.. but will try to participate when I can... thanks for the invite..hugs ~lynne~

  7. Happy Birthday, Connor! I really loved all the pictures! I just wish someone loved that boy a little more! Haha!
    After I saw your tweet about Brenda's today, I decided we needed it so we went for lunch. So good!

  8. Now those are some "great" pictures!!! That last one has to be on the cover of a magazine??? Is it??? Little model! Those are precious pictures...Pumpkin one is so sweet..


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