Wednesday, July 22, 2009

CUISINE AT HOME WEEK – Sensational Summer Pasta


Don’t you just love the looks of this berry tart on the cover of Cuisine At Home, August 2006?  I am so tempted to make that today, but I just know that I would eat way too much of it all by myself.  This will need to go on that “share with my neighbors” list for another day.  In the meantime, I’m sharing such an easy recipe from that same issue and will be linking it to Presto Pasta Nights where the host this week is Pam of Sidewalk Shoes.

You may have read about my surprise crop of mint that I have growing below our former garden spot.  I have been trying to take advantage of that bonus and use as much of it as I can.  This pasta dish does just that and it good either warm or cold.  I really like dishes that can be served either way like that, especially at this time of the year. 

image Sensational Summer Pasta
Makes 6 cups
For the yogurt-herb sauce:
1 cup fresh spinach leaves
1/2 cup plain yogurt (Greek if you can get it.)
1/2 cup feta, crumbled
1/2 cup fresh parsley (Italian) leaves
3 tablespoons fresh oregano leaves
2 tablespoons fresh mint leaves
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1 teaspoon honey
salt and pepper to taste
1/4 cup olive oil

Combine spinach, yogurt, feta, herbs, lemon juice , honey , salt and pepper in a food processor.  Drizzle in oil and process until smooth.   Set aside.

For the pasta:
2 1/2 cups dry penne pasta
1 cup roasted red (or yellow or orange) bell pepper, cut into strips
1/2 cup kalamata olives, pitted and halved
Prepare pasta according to package directions; drain.  Toss with bell pepper, olives and sauce. 

I would serve this with grilled chicken breasts or lamb chops.  It would be good with anything!  You can also add in leftover grilled or rotisserie chicken to the pasta as well.    I have also been known to add in halved cherry tomatoes.  Experiment!  This is so good leftover and cold:)

*Note:   Cuisine At Home Posts
Cilantro Pesto Halibut
Crusted Goat Cheese with Spinach and Tomato Salsa
Caprese Panini (coming Thursday)


Watch here for Crock Pot Wednesday details coming soon. 

Thanks for stopping by.  I hope you will visit again soon.


  1. This sounds lite and wonderful. I, too, have a lot of mint and am looking for ways to use it before it bolts.

  2. Sounds wonderful..Cuisine at Home is pretty good! I must pull out my back issues!

  3. Sounds really good! I love Cuisine at Home. Thanks for entering PPN.

  4. I would never have thought to put a yogurt sauce on pasta. Very intriguing. Looks delicious!

  5. Stopping by from PPN. I just made this last week and loved being able to use some of that mint that was going crazy outside. I love that cuisine at home magazine- although I didn't get the recipe from there. I would be interested in your crockpot Wednesdays when you get that going.

  6. thanks for dropping by my random world.. and thanks for the compliment on my 'tiny glimpse'! i should have the finished piece ready to view by tomorrow **fingers crossed**

    have a great weekend!

  7. Hi-- thanks for visiting That Old House! And I am SO glad I found you -- and this recipe. Because I've got mint growing everywhere in the border -- and now I have something I can do with it.

    Plus, I just happen to always have Greek yogurt in the fridge, and today have some baby spinach leaves as well. I know what we're having tonight!

    If I can think of a fave Crock Pot recipe by the 5th, I'll join in. My daughter took my crock pot off to college the last two years; she brought it home in May but I'm not sure where she stashed it!


  8. Talk about the absolute perfect summer pasta !!! Thanks for sharing with Presto Pasta Nights.


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