Monday, June 29, 2009


Kate jumpy thing video 2 072

My little Southern Belle is here for a visit over the next few days for what we call “Camp Benton ”  or “Nana Camp.”  I’m so excited that I get to play with her for a whole week; she’s a ton of fun!  I wrote about her HERE when she turned 2, so I’ll just share this gorgeous picture of her that I snapped when we were at the beach.  Doesn’t she just rival Scarlet O’Hara?  (She’s just as tough, too.)

I do hope she will grow up with those Southern manners that our mommas and grandmommas tried to instill in us.  It seems that so little emphasis is placed on good manners these days.  I recently read a post over at A Southern Life that I thought was right on target regarding Southern hospitality and good manners.  I hope you’ll be inclined to mosey on over there and read it.  I thank you kindly, and ya’ll come back again real soon.


  1. Maybe we can have a play date when I get Lucy this week! Pencil us in for Thursday sometime between noon and 3pm!

  2. She is so cute, Debbie. Love her eyes. Grandbabies are delightful, but when they become two or three and you can talk to them and play with them, they are quite special. Brent, Katie and the kids just left, and I miss them already. The good news is that they will be back in about 2 1/2 weeks.

  3. She is a sweetheart and I am a huge fan of manners. They are really not that hard to teach.
    Have a great week you lucky lady.

  4. Your granddaughter truly is beautiful. What a gorgeous picture of her.

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