Monday, May 18, 2009


Okay, I have to confess that I owe my neighbor, Kate, an apology over the recent rabbit infiltration of my mailbox flower bed. bunny 6 She came by on Saturday with this cake fresh from the oven to apologize for her wandering juvenile delinquents and to offer to pay for the flowers they had eaten. Wasn’t that a nice gesture? I learned that she had actually rescued ONE poor bunny from the stew pot only to find out later that Momma bunny was pregnant and had produce several little charmers after hiding out in Kate’s flower bed for a couple of days. Thinking that Momma Bunny could very well fend for her brood all by herself in the woods behind her house, Kate invited them to have free range there. Apparently, MB had imprinted with Kate and decided that she would much prefer to remain in the backyard thank you. EXCEPT that she and junior (the only remaining bunny child that can be located) actually choose to wander about in the neighborhood on their own occasionally. It’s a funny story. Guess it’s better if you are there at the telling. After Hubby tasted the cake, he told Kate that the bunny family was welcome to munch in our yard all they wanted just so long as we were rewarded with another cake. Traitor! I have to admit, however, that the cake is (make that WAS) delicious.

I really agree with Cat Lincoln writing for Green Daily. I think we should leave the baby chicks and baby bunnies with their mommas and not make them temporary Easter attractions. Yes, they are very cute. However, they grow up and aren't so cute after that especially in terms of the messes they make. Now, if you live at Happy Valley Chick and Bunny Farm, then go for it. Raise all of those babies that you want. We'll all come visit. That’s all I have to say about that!

Sock It To Me Cake
Servings: 6

    2 tablespoons dry cake mix (from cake mix used in batter)
    2 tablespoons brown sugar
    2 tablespoons cinnamon
    1 cup finely chopped pecans
    Combine dry cake mix, brown sugar, and cinnamon in a medium bowl. Stir in pecans and set aside.

    1 package Duncan Hines Butter Recipe Cake Mix
    4 eggs
    1 cup dairy sour cream
    1/3 cup oil
    1/4 cup water
    1/4 cup granulated sugar

  • Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Combine remaining cake mix, eggs, sour cream, oil, water, and granulated sugar in large bowl. Beat at medium speed with an electric mixer for 2 minutes. Pour 2/3 of batter into oiled and floured 10-inch tube pan. Sprinkle with Streusel Filling. Spoon remaining Batter evenly over filling. Bake 45-55 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean. Cool in pan 25 minutes. Invert onto serving plate. Cool completely.

1 cup confectioners’ sugar
1 to 2 teaspoons milk
Combine confectioners’ sugar and milk in small bowl. Stir until smooth. Drizzle over cake.

From The Best of Down-Home Cooking


  1. Thank you for visiting my rambling blog - I post a lot about NW Florida - I love it here. I love your blog! I am adding the link to my favorite links if you don't mind!

    No bunnies here - just some aberrant cats who roll in and eat the catnip herbs and then dig holes around the yard. At first I thought I had moles or something. If you get tired of bunnies, I can ship one up and he can rid your gardens of munchy bunnies - but you must promise to feed him catnip.

  2. Thanks for visiting. I am flattered by your comments! Visit anytime. BTW the bunnies were running races across my yard today:)


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