Friday, April 10, 2009

Hot Air Ballooning in Tuscany and Linguine with Shrimp


One of the highlights of our trip to Italy was hot air ballooning in Tuscany.

It was such a unique adventure for us and so much different than the gallery and historic tours we were also enjoying. Robert Etherington of
Ballooning in Tuscany is a professional balloonist operating out of Montisi. His wife, Liz Graham-Yooll, is a children's book author, illustrator and artist. Originally from England, they have been in this business for a number of years, and they make it a truly wonderful experience for their passengers.

On the day of our trip Kjell (pronounced Shel), who recently relocated from Sweden to the Sienna area, was to be our pilot under Robert's direction. Kjell was already an experienced balloon pilot but was learning the area from Robert and Liz. His new company, of which he is rightfully proud, is called Sienna Ballooning. Robert, in an unusual move, was to be the chase car driver while Liz rode with us and Robert. We were their second flight of the season and were the only passengers of the day.

By the time we arrived from Sinalunga at dawn on the Friday morning of our trip, Kjell and Robert were already in the process of filling the balloon. Liz offered coffee which we readily accepted before boarding the basket and having our in-flight instructions delivered by Shel in his best immitation of a flight attendant. Robert provided us with "lovely" red ball caps to wear during our trip, presumably to protect our hair from the burners, but I doubt that was really necessarily.

 Here we are lifting off from the valley behind Robert and Liz's home.

Liz was our tour guide, and Kjell was our very able pilot.


It began as a hazy morning but soon turned absolutely beautiful. The air was somewhat chilly but not so much as that it affected our pleasure. I wish I could share the beauty of the landscape as I really saw it. I'm afraid that these pictures just aren't adequate.


Some times we were high above the clouds almost; other times we could reach out and touch the branches of the trees. We could see deer down below and children on their way to school to whom we yelled out, "Buongiorno!" The local villagers watched and waved and seemed delighted to share in our adventure.



It became easy to spot the olive groves and the vineyards that were scattered all along the hillsides and among the villages.

When our flight was over, Kjell landed us very softly in a freshly plowed field and we  
became part of the crew. Kjell was very meticulous about the way in which we were to
spread out the balloon and fold it together so that it would ultimately fit into a large canvas case Robert had brought along in the chase car.


In the meantime, Liz had prepared a breakfast picnic on the back of the trailer that would later carry the basket and balloon. We enjoyed a glass of bubbly to toast our successful flight as well as orange juice, freshly-made local pizza, foccacia, cheeses and pearsj. It was a delicious treat enjoyed in the middle of this Tuscan field on a beautiful spring day---simple but terrific. I cannot imagine a better way to see Tuscany! Several locals gathered around to watch us bundle and load the balloon. I think they were congratulating us on enjoying the beautiful area, but my Italian is pretty much limited to "ciao" and "grazie!" One fellow had even followed our journey from early morning til landing. He showed up with his camera to capture us on film. Robert rewarded the landowner with a bottle of wine bearing his Ballooning in Tuscany label. He is very respectful
of the locals and their property.

After our picnic we all loaded up and headed out for cappucino and coffee at a local cafe. Upon returning to the Etherington's "in the process of being restored" home (a former 13th century mill), we received our "wings" and a ballooning print which we will frame as a reminder of this truly amazing day.

I found this recipe for Linguine with Shrimp and Lemon Oil on the Food Network site that is very much like one I enjoyed at a little trattoria in Florence. It is easy to make and the ingredients are readily available in local stores. It's light but filling...and fast. I hope you like it as much as we did. Buon Appetito!


  1. Oh, that sounds like so much fun. I'll have to remember that for a future trip.

  2. I finally found the time to stop by. Your photos made my heart race.
    How funny that Robert was in the chase vehicle and Liz was able to ride in the basket. What a wonderful experience!
    I'll have to try the pasta recipe too.
    Ciao y'all!


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