Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Happy Birthday, Mom

Both of my parents celebrated birthdays this week. My dad's was on April 12; my mom's is today. My mom was born to Albert E. (Moro) and Betty Elizabeth Allen at Sheridan, Arkansas in 1928. While my dad is still alive, my mom passed away on July 28, 2000 after a lengthy illness. I still miss her.

My parents married on June 27, 1947, and I came along in December a year and a half later. Mom was only 20 when she had me -- seems so young these days. We didn't always see eye to eye - my dad always said that we were too much alike. She said it was a head-strong firstborn (me) clashing with a full-blown middle child syndrome (her). Whatever. I really did appreciate all that she did for me. She always worked outside the home, and sometimes she would take me with her. I loved playing on the typewriters and running errands. I felt like such a big deal! When school parties rolled around, Mom was there with her famous popcorn balls, Easter egg trees, Valentine boxes....she made sure she was involved.
She was a creative, artsy person. After a medical retirement, she opened a ceramics shop behind her house. Her "hobby" quickly became another fulltime job. She loved to paint and took lessons for a number of years. This portrait is one she did of Perfect Daughter. I think she did a beautiful job, and I'm proud to have it.

Some people say that we look a lot alike. I don't know about that. Occasionally, I'll get a glance of myself and see Mom. It always surprises me. People say the same thing about Perfect Daughter and me; I don't know about that either. I do think, of course, that Perfect Girl looks just like her Nana!  (That would be me, of course.)


Perfect Girl  

My mom absolutely adored her grandchildren and would have loved her great grandchildren beyond measure as well. I regret that they will never know her. This is a (not very good) picture of the collection of engagement photos - Mom, me, Perfect Daughter - that I have framed. I'll let you judge for yourself just how much we look alike.

There isn't a date on this photo, but I must have been between one and two. Getting pictures of Mom later in life was a problem. (She avoided cameras like the proverbial plague. ) This is what Iremember her looking like for most of my life.
Mom used to make this cheesecake that wasn't really a cheesecake. It was made with lots of cream cheese and powdered sugar and was topped with blueberry pie filling. Anytime there was a community gathering, she made one or more. They were always the first dishes to go. I've looked and looked for that recipe, but it is lost to me. If I ever find it, I'll pass it along. In the meantime, I will share this one. I came across it the other night in a "file" (she said loosely) of old recipes. It is written in her beautiful handwriting. (I was always impressed with her gorgeous fingernails and her handwriting. Those traits, unfortunately, did not pass on to me.)

Mom's Fruit Salad

1 box instant vanilla pudding
1 can mandarin oranges
1 can chunk pineapple

My Note: all of these are the small sizes I believe. I think you can probably use these in whatever proportions you need.

Drain oranges and pineapple. Use the drained liquid to mix pudding. Add oranges and pineapple. Chill.

Note (my mom's): I cut the orange slices into chunks.


  1. I do think you and your mom look alike. Love the engagement photos. We all had those flips at some time in the '60's, didn't we!

  2. Hi Debbie

    Thanks for your visit and comment. I'm so glad you stopped by and hope you'll come're always welcome. I enjoy getting to meet other bloggers. I've sure enjoyed my visit here to your very pretty blog. I think you look like your Mom and as the former commenter mentioned, I think a lot of us have the flip going on in high school. Actually I still do. LOL I enjoyed the photos from your trip to Italy. I sure want to go back!


  3. Kate looks just like her momma!! Such pretty girls! I have always thought Emily looked like Gary, but now I can't decide!


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