Sunday, April 26, 2009

Happy Birthday Katybug!

Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you.

And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.
You may give them your love but not your thoughts.

You may house their bodies but not their souls.

Their souls dwell in the house of Tomorrow
which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.

You may strive to be like them but seek not to make them like


Life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.
----------Kahlil Gibran

Katherine Ellis
came into this world on April 27, 2007 welcomed by a whole host of people who love her wider than the sky and deeper than the ocean -- beyond measure. And when we tell her that, she and her brother stretch their arms as wide as they can. To them, there is nothing greater than that. I hope they always know that they are loved as big as it can get.

Perfect Girl celebrates her second birthday on Monday. As trite as it may sound, I cannot believe she has already reached such a big milestone. Her Nana and OoHoo (another story for another time) still want her to be the sweet, precious, tiny baby girl seen in this picture. Of course she is still precious and sweet, but she isn't so
tiny anymore

She's talking and is close to being potty trained - what a good girl! She's much like her mom in that she is smart, quick, adventuresome and beautiful . And sassy! Once again I have the strong-willed child in my life! But her feelings are tender. A strong word (such as "NO") will cause a frown to form on her mouth and the tears to flow; she is crushed -- heartbroken.
She is generous with her kisses and hugs - even to her big brother who she really tries to copy. Upon occasion, however, she determines that he needs to be chastised, and she takes it upon herself to do just that. Perfect strangers merit her "hellos" and blown kisses. Babies need her gentle pats and strokes.

Kate is the keeper of the toys. When they come out, they also get put back up! She doesn't like things to be messy and will obsess over what she perceives as "twash" even though it has not bothered a single other person.. At the same time, she will call for her "boos" (boots) at the first sign of a rain puddle, dig in garden for worms, and climb the nearest sandpile.

Just like her mom and her Nana, she loves the sun, water and sand. She was as happy on the beach last summer as any baby I've ever seen. Beach time is always a time of renewal for me; I hope it will be the same for Kate. Something tells me that it will be.

She loves her dolls (they are all called "boy"), her jewelry, her kitchen, and her new birthday playhouse. She drives a mean plasma car, too! There's always some color of polish on her chubby little toes -- not necessarily just the toenails either. While she loves being read to, when she decides it is "night,night time," she heads to her bed with her "baby" (a pink and brown blanket and yes, we have a hard time knowing which "baby" she is referring to sometimes) Such an easy baby; she enjoys her beauty rest. Not a picky eater at all, she loves her strawberries and blueberries. Ice cream (pink or bwoo, please) could be her middle name. Anytime she can be outside, she will be. It doesn't matter how hot or how cold. Mention "swing," and she heads for the back door!

She gives definition to the word "smile."

And she knows that...

when you are two, it's okay to eat birthday cake for breakfast when you are at Nana's house:)

Kate is loved.

Here are a couple of treats in honor of Kate's second birthday and fresh Arkansas strawberry season. If you are celebrating a birthday today, "Happy Birthday" from me.

Strawberry Ice Cream

2 cups sugar, divided
1/4 cup all-purpose flour
3 cups milk
4 large eggs, lightly beaten
3 cups pureed fresh strawberries
3 cups whipping cream
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
2 teaspoons almond extract
Fresh strawberries for topping

Combine 1 1/2 cups sugar, flour and salt; set mixture aside. Heat milk in the top of a double boiler until hot; add a small amount of milk to sugar mixture, stirring to make a smooth paste. Stir sugar mixture into remaining milk; cook over medium heat, sitrring constantly, until slightly thickened. Cover and cook 10 minutes, stirring often. Stir about one-fourth of the hot mixture into the beaten eggs to temper; add to remaining hot mixture. Cook one minute, stirring constantly. Cool. Combine strawberries, remaining 1/2 cup sugar, whipping cream and flavorings; stir into custard. Pour into freezer container of a 1-gallon ice cream freezer. Freeze according to manufacturer's directions. Top each serving with sliced fresh strawberries. (Arkansas strawberries are the best!) This does not need ripening. Makes 3 quarts.

Adapted from The Ultimate Southern Living Cookbook (Or you can do like Kate does and head to Maggie Moo's or ColdStone!)

And this pretty one for a special occasion such as a birthday:

Meringue Shells with Marinated Strawberries

4 servings
2 large egg whites
1/2 teaspoon fresh lemon juice
1/2 cup sugar
Strawberries marinated in port
4 springs fresh mint
Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Place the egg whites and lemon juice in a large bowl. Beat with an electric mixer on medium speed until soft peaks form. Gradually add the sugar and beat on high speed until the whites are shiny and stiff. Fit a pastry bag (or a ziploc bag with a small snip of one corner) with a fluted tip. (Okay, I may do this if it really is a special occasion, but if not, just put a big dollop on the sheet and make a depression in the center with a big tablespoon.) Fill the bag with the egg-white mixture. On a nonstick cookie sheet, carefully squeeze out four 3-inch diameter circles by forming a spiral, working from the inside out, to form the meringue base. Carefully pipe a line around the exterior edge of the circles to form a basket effect. (Hmmm.) Bake the meringues for 3 hours, or until they are very dry and a dark cream color (don't even think about opening the oven door during this time). Remove from the oven and cool on the baking sheet. Place a meringue shell on each of 4 dessert plates. Fill the center of each shell with the strawberries. Garnish with the mint.

Strawberries Marinated in Port


(This is actually another dessert recipe that is used for the meringues as well.)
2 cups hulled and quartered fresh strawberries
1/2 cup port
2 tablespoons orange juice
1 teaspoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon grated orange zest
2 cups French vanilla ice cream (eliminate for the meringue recipe)
4 springs fresh mint (don't need this plus what you have for the meringue recipe)

Place the strawberries in a large shallow glass bowl. In a small bowl, whisk together the port, orange juice, sugar and orange zest. Pour over the strawberries. Toss to combine. Cover and refrigerate for 2 hours, stirring occasionally. Divide the ice cream among 4 wine goblets or dessert bowls. Pour the strawberries over the top. Garnish with the mint. (Use champagne, your favorite sweet red wine, ginger ale, or more orange juice if you don't care for port.) 164 calories .

Adapted from The French Culinary Institute's Salute to Healthy Cooking.



  1. She looks so much like Emily!! What a sweet post...she sounds like such a doll! Beautiful pictures. Hope they had fun at Disney on Ice.

  2. She needs to meet Walker, since they are almost exactly the same age. Such a cutie.

  3. What a cutie pie! Happy Birthday, Kate! I know she is one loved little girl! And I think cake for breakfast is a great idea!

  4. I love the poem at the beginning of this post. What a sweetie!

    Thanks for visiting my place and hope you are successful with your planter table.

    Happy Monday, Marsha

  5. OMG she is adorable. Congrats. Just precious. xoxo


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